Alessandro Sardella, from National Research Council – Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), visited H2O ROBOTICS from August 10th to August 24th, 2023, as part of the H2020 MSCA RISE TECTONIC project, titled “Technological Consortium TO develop sustainability of underwater Cultural heritage.”

During the visit, collaborative research was conducted primarily related to the activities of WP2, which focuses on the “Decision support tool for UCH risk assessment in a changing environment.” The research specifically addressed the objectives of the tasks led by CNR-ISAC, including:

  • Task 2.1: Investigating environmental parameters responsible for UCH deterioration.
  • Task 2.2: Conducting field exposure tests at the pilot sites.
  • Task 2.3: Developing damage modeling.

This collaborative research aims to identify and prioritize the most crucial environmental parameters and factors responsible for UCH deterioration processes. It involves setting up field exposure tests at the pilot sites and contributing to the development of a decision support tool for heritage managers. Additionally, it seeks to propose risk scenarios for UCH in a changing environment.

The collaborative research also aligns with WP1, “State-of-the-art analysis at pilot sites, Documentation and mapping.” This research is primarily related to Task 1.1, which involves analyzing the state of UCH in Europe and worldwide, and Task 1.2, focusing on studies at pilot sites where CNR ISAC makes significant contributions.

Furthermore, Alessandro’s research activities at H2O ROBOTICS and LABUST laboratories have contributed to enhancing his knowledge and expertise in open technologies for the robotic inspection, monitoring, and documentation of Underwater Cultural Heritage.

During the laboratory visit, Alessandro also had the opportunity to meet colleagues from USAL and collaborate with them on the activities of Task 2.1.

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