Three archaeologists from CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council) and the Ministry of Culture, Argentina, are carrying out various activities during secondments in Italy with the Ministry of Culture.
With a basis in Taranto, they are interacting with members of the National Superintendence for Underwater Cultural Heritage, visiting their facilities, attending conferences and exhibitions, and diving into archaeological sites in the region.
As leaders of one of the Work Packages of Tectonic, they have launched an international survey aimed at gathering data on the current status of activities directed at underwater cultural heritage.
Alessandra Morelli working on materials recovered by an Italian-French expedition from Capo Corso II. They are part of the cargo from a shipwreck preliminary dated between the end of the 1st century and the beginning of the 2nd century AD. Ph. Julieta Frere. Archaeologists Dolores Elkin, Chris Underwood and Julieta Frere, from Argentina, visit the restoration and conservation laboratory of the Soprintendenza Nazionale per il Patrimonio Culturale Subacqueo. Ph. Juliieta Frere. Tectonic partners from Argentina dive at the San Pietro in Bevagna archaeological site (the “sarcophagous site”), familiarizing themselves with Italy´s underwater cultural heritage accessible to the public. Ph. Giuseppe Zinzanella Virtual dives in the exhibition Recovered from the Abyss. Soprintendenza Nazionale per il Patrimonio Culturale Subacqueo, Taranto. Ph. Julieta Frere.
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