TECTONIC Project Kickoff Meeting

TECTONIC Project Kickoff Meeting

In February, the kick-off of the TEchnological Consortium TO develop sustaiNabIlity of underwater Cultural heritage (TECTONIC) project, in which we are participating, took place. Through a video conference, partners from different countries were able to introduce themselves, explain the project, and delegate tasks to advance toward its objectives.

TECTONIC aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration among academic and non-academic professionals from various fields related to underwater cultural heritage. The project’s goal is to help find solutions and respond to the challenges of preserving the history and traditions of humanity.

In this regard, new technologies play a crucial role, combined with the expertise of archaeological technicians, conservators, geologists, and others. They will collaborate with computer scientists and engineers to reconstruct selected sites in 3D for testing purposes. Additionally, robotic solutions will be developed for the inspection, documentation, and monitoring of underwater cultural heritage.

The main objective of this project is to provide both the current and future generations with the opportunity to explore and access objects, artifacts, structures, and underwater materials. Above all, it aims to raise awareness about the importance of preserving these valuable cultural assets.

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